
BSA & Galexia Global Coud Computing Scorecard (2016) - Galexia Analytics Release

2016 Rank 19. Turkey - Score: 54.41 | Change from 2013 Score: +2.02 - Rank: -1

The biggest change in Turkey since the last report is in the field of cybercrime. Turkey signed the Convention on Cybercrime in 2010 and ratified it in 2014. It came into force in Turkey in 2015.

However, Turkey continues to have some gaps in its coverage of other cyberlaws. For example, there is currently no data protection law in Turkey.

Turkey also has rules on Internet content regulation that may act as a barrier to cloud services.

Intellectual property protection in Turkey is reasonably up-to-date, but enforcement is patchy.

Turkey is making progress toward integration with the European and international communities, but some domestic preferences are still in place for government procurement opportunities.

The government has an ambitious target of providing fast broadband to 95% of households by 2020. Turkey recorded modest gains in information technology (IT) infrastructure in this year’s report.

Turkey’s overall score remains steady, but its ranking fell one place from 18th in 2013 to 19th in 2016.

View the Country Report (PDF) »

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