
ACCAN Informed Consent Project (21 August 2009)

5.3. Visual impairment

In the Project Survey, caseworker organisations and regulators reported a very low proportion of consent complaints regarding people with a visual impairment. However, many representatives asserted that people with a visual impairment are under-represented in complaints data as a result of the limitations in data collection, their reluctance to make official complaints and other barriers they faced in accessing complaints services.

Very limited information or data is available on consent issues related to people with a visual impairment in the communications sector, as most studies focus on general access issues rather than consent. This area may be suitable for further research. Key issues that were identified include:

  • Visual impairment creates specific difficulties in relation to lengthy and complex contracts and terms and conditions, which can be difficult to convert into a suitable format;
  • People with a visual impairment often rely on a third party to read, summarise or explain documentation, including contracts – this raises concerns where the third party is also involved in the sale of the product; and
  • Caseworkers and advocates reported that people with visual impairment faced considerable access barriers when making complaints.

Managing consent for people with a visual impairment requires further consideration.