BSA & Galexia Global Coud Computing Scorecard (2016) - Galexia Analytics Release
2016 Rank 14. South Africa - Score: 61.3 | Change from 2013 Score: +10.04 - Rank: +6
South Africa recorded the biggest overall improvement in this year’s Scorecard, jumping an impressive six places from 20th place in 2013 to 14th in 2015.
This result was built on significant gains in information technology (IT) infrastructure (South Africa was the fastest improver in this section of the report) and the introduction of new privacy legislation. South Africa’s comprehensive privacy law, the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013, was enacted in August 2013.
South Africa also has some useful laws for cybercrime and electronic commerce.
However, some limited Internet filtering and censorship still occurs, which may inhibit development of the digital economy, and South Africa has only very basic copyright laws, which are not aligned with current international best practice. They have not yet signed the WIPO Copyright Treaty.
Another potential barrier in South Africa is the existence of a complex system of domestic preferences in government procurement opportunities.
South Africa has low levels of broadband penetration, but they are improving quickly. The government released ambitious targets in December 2013 for the South Africa Connect plan.
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