ACCAN Informed Consent Project (21 August 2009)
1. Executive Summary
![[ Galexia Dots ]](/images/hr.gif)
This research project is designed to inform the development of a consumer perspective on ‘informed consent’ in the communications industry. It includes a focus on the information that should be provided to a consumer, the method of conveying such information and the point at which a consumer is taken to have become informed.
The project also addresses the issue of obtaining informed consent from specific consumer categories, including:
- People with relevant disabilities (intellectual disabilities, cognitive impairment, hearing impairment, visual impairment and communication impairment);
- Indigenous consumers;
- Young people; and
- Culturally and linguistically diverse consumers.
Key findings
This research project made a number of key findings that could contribute to an improved approach to informed consent in the communications sector:
- Organisations participating in the project (including regulators, complaints schemes, community advocacy organisations and casework organisations) reported receiving a total of more than 40,000 communications sector consent complaints each year;
- Organisations participating in the project reported significant concerns regarding consent and vulnerable consumer groups, including the limited capacity of some consumers to consent to communications contracts;
- There is no central / consistent guidance available to industry on consent requirements, or best practice guidance on obtaining consent from consumers; and
- The few consent requirements that exist in laws and codes are inconsistent and do not include coverage of key issues such as capacity; and
- Current industry practice in obtaining consent is extremely diverse and often ineffective.
Key recommendations
This research project makes several important recommendations:
- Industry and consumers would benefit from a move to setting out consistent requirements for consent in laws and codes;
- Consumers would benefit from a requirement to record consent;
- Industry and consumers would benefit from the development and distribution of best practice guidance on obtaining consent from consumers in specific consumer categories;
- Further research is required on consent issues and barriers to accessing redress mechanisms for some specific consumer categories;
- Further research is required in order to evaluate the effectiveness of potential methods to obtain informed consent; and
- It is important to recognise the limits of relying on consent and to continue to develop other consumer protection tools where appropriate.
The research project included a detailed review of literature and of policy / best practice guidance in Australia and internationally – backed by the collection of case studies and a brief survey of regulators and front-line consumer caseworkers.
- Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)
The project was commissioned by ACCAN – the new peak body for consumers and consumer organisations on issues including telecommunications and the Internet.[1] - Galexia
The project research and writing tasks were undertaken by Galexia. Galexia is an independent consultancy specialising in law and technology.[2] - Advisory Committee
The research project was guided by input from an Advisory Committee consisting of experts in consumer protection and communications regulatory issues. Members included:- Sue Salthouse, ACCAN Board (chair)
- Helen Anderson, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE)
- Loretta Kreet, Legal Aid QLD
- Jackie Thorpe, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
- Paul Harrison, Deakin University
- Gerard Goggin, UNSW, ACCAN Board